Cannabis Crafted for Brookfield, MA
Visit Our Store in Sturbridge

Growing Organic

Clean cannabis. Cultivated sustainably.

For us, cannabis is craft. It’s a living, breathing preoccupation with soil. Because when you start at the root, you get to nurture the journey. That’s why, here, at Local Roots, we don’t grow cannabis, we craft it.

Inside each greenhouse and indoor space that shelters our supply, we harvest quality that you can smell and taste and feel because it’s real and pure and constant.

Want to learn more, visit our store near Brookfield, MA
Clean Cannabis for Brookfield Massachusetts

We cultivate without the use of additives, chemicals or pesticides to ensure both our product and our environment remain pure and all-natural.

Organic Cannabis for Brookfield Massachusetts

We grow indoors and inside solar-powered greenhouses using only chemical-free fertilizer and all-natural growing techniques. While this process requires more time and hands-on attention, it yields cleaner cannabis with a rich, more diverse terpene and cannabinoid profile.

Craft Cannabis for Brookfield Massachusetts

We don’t take shortcuts. We choose quality over quantity to ensure every plant is grown cleanly and every experience is consistent.

About Local Roots

We are a locally grown, Massachusetts based cannabis company created by cannabis advocates and experienced, craft cannabis professionals. At Local Roots, we strive to provide top quality cannabis products using sustainable, earth-friendly methods with your happiness and wellness in mind.

At Local Roots, we have a passionate and knowledgeable team who will help you along your cannabis exploration. We will provide thought and care in helping guide our guests in crafting the products that are right for all our guests from Brookfield, MA
Want to learn more, visit our store near Brookfield, MA
What Our Brookfield Customers Say


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