Cannabis may help improve various aspects of your life however even today cannabis users can face stigmas, especially when it comes to parenting. Too often the myth of the lazy cannabis user is utilized to judge and stereotype and can be hurtful to those it is targeted at. Today we will analyze this myth and ways that cannabis using parents can combat it!
The myth of the lazy stoner came about shortly after the 1937 Marijuana Tax Act which criminalized all but industrial use of cannabis. Racism and prejudice created an association between immigrants and cannabis use creating negative stereotypes. These stereotypes were furthered by the War on Drugs in the 1970’s which repealed the Marijuana Tax Act claiming that cannabis held no medicinal value. Cannabis has a long history of being used for therapeutic and recreational purposes dating as far back as 500 BCE in places such as China and Siberia. In the United States during the 1800’s various different cannabis extracts were commonly sold in pharmacies and prescribed to those looking for symptom relief by doctors.
Today parents struggling with chronic illnesses often turn to cannabis use to help improve their quality of life. Due to being able to find symptom relief, parents who use cannabis are able to better enjoy their time with their children and can be more attentive to them. Cannabis may be able to help parents be able to engage in more activities and keep up with the physical demands of parenting, proving the lazy stoner stereotype is just a myth!
Knowing why the stereotypes exist is one thing but figuring out how to handle explaining to other people or even your children can be a difficult situation. Using cannabis is a private matter, so you should not feel pushed to have to divulge this information. Talking to your children about cannabis can help prepare them for comments or misinformation that they may encounter in the outside world. Explaining to them about cannabis safety such as not touching your cannabis products may help avoid unwanted situations. Explain to your children that cannabis use is for adults 21 years or older and that for young children with developing brains it is not a safe product for them to consume.
As an adult you should always keep your cannabis stored properly and locked up out of reach! Avoid smoking in your home as cannabis smoke can be harmful for children. Make sure there is someone to care for your children for you while you are consuming cannabis and do not use cannabis products when you are planning to drive. Marijuana products can be mistake for food or candy by children, so make sure to store them out of sight. If a child consumes cannabis products call the poison control hotline or bring them to the emergency room.
Communicating with your loved ones about cannabis can help bring the family together and develop stronger bonds through honesty and openness. A recent study shows that 1 in 8 people in the United States use cannabis, so maybe more adults than you know consume cannabis! If cannabis helps you be a better parent to your children, then ignore the stigma and just enjoy life’s precious memories!
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